2. Conduct Yourself!
3. Who Are They? (Sun. 11/21/10):
Here is the report! Written in green ink!
4. One Big Family (Wed. 11/9/10):
My "Human Family" collage:
5. Free and Equal (Sun. 11/21/10):
Declaration of Young People's Rights:
No Bullying
Everyone can participate in activities no matter what their age, height, gender, color, or religion
The right to have the four basic needs of food, shelter, clothing, and safety
Freedom of Expression
No Abuse
and Happiness
6. Peace on Earth (Sun. 11/21/10):
Three people who are peacemakers are Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther King. I like them all but if I had to pick a favorite, it would be Gandhi.
Did you know that Gandhi fasted for 21 days at the age of 63? He did this because he was protesting the unjust treatment of Untouchables, a class of Indians thought to be spiritually unclean. Another famous protest he did was the Salt March, were he lead his followers to the coast to make their own salt because the British were putting taxes on salt.
7. Solve It Together
8. Include Everyone (Sat. 10/30/10):
I saw a program called "Best Friends" that talked about work dogs and how they help disabled people. These dogs do things that their buddy can't do such as picking up things and opening doors. They also had a demonstration of a dog paying for coffee by credit card!
9. Reach Out
10. It's a Pleasure (Sun. 11/21/10):
In our culture, it is customary to say "Hello" and shake hands.
In Spanish cultures, there are formal and informal ways to greet people. For example, "Como Estas" is the informal greeting to someone you know on a first-name basis or when addressing a child. "Como Esta" is the formal greeting.
In Japan, you say "Konnichiwa" and show respect for others by saying the suffix -san to their name for adults, and for children -chan for girls and -kun for boys. It is also respectful to bow.
In France, they say "Bonjour" which means hello, good morning, or good afternoon. To greet someone informally, say "Salut" which means hi. When entering a public place, say "Bonjour" that will be heard by everyone within hearing distance. If you know the person or are being introduced for the first time, you are expected to shake hands or kiss cheeks, and greeting each person individually at school or work!