2. Coil Up! (Sat. 3/26/11): I made a bowl using the coil method.
3. Handle with Care:
4. Time for Tiles (Sun. 4/17/11):
I made several different sized tiles with different designs that are stamped and carved.
5. Fuel and Fire (Sat. 4/9/11):
I took a virtual tour of ceramics studios at the NY/NJ Academy of Ceramic Art. The website was really cool. I took a lot of time going through the links and learning about different equipment used for ceramics, including the kiln, hand tools, and materials like glaze. I liked the section that showed student artwork, including a cool red teapot.
6. Grin and Glaze It!
7. Bas-Relief
8. Dream Decorator (Sun. 4/17/11): We went to Kohl's and saw examples of ceramics and pottery. I liked the seashell pattern because I thought it would go well in the guest room in my house. For the kitchen, I liked a plain white pattern. I also liked the flower pattern because I thought it would go well in my room. The flower pattern was also nice because it was hand painted.
9. Pass on the Knowledge
10. Folk Pottery