1. Get the Facts (Thursday 12/29/11):
Program with local health professional!
2. Successful Teens (Thursday 12/29/11):
Program with local health professional!
3. Read About It (Thursday 12/29/11):
Program with local health professional!
4. Looking Ahead (Thursday 12/29/11):
Program with local health professional!
5. Here's Looking at You!
6. Freedom and Responsibility
7. Today's Tween (Thursday 12/29/11):
Program with local health professional!
8. Teen in the Family (Thursday 12/29/11):
Program with local health professional!
9. Celebrate!
10. Teen Habits
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
It's Important to Me Badge
1. The Girl Scout Law in Action (Tuesday 12/27/11):
I made a wall hanging highlighting the part of the Girl Scout Law that means the most to me:
"Making the World a Better Place."
2. Values-Based Approach
3. Discover Your Values (Tuesday 12/27/11):
We read the section in the Junior Girl Scout handbook about values and did all of the activities in that section.
4. Values Vote (Wednesday 12/28/11):
Some of the values we brainstormed were:
positive attitude
well behaved
We discussed the values and why we thought they were important. The value that got the most votes from the group was honesty.
5. Values in the News
6. Debate It
7. Other People's Values (Thursday 12/29/11):
The holiday I learned about was Ramadan. The people who celebrate this holiday fast to remember the people who are needy or do not have enough food. Another custom is donating to the local soup kitchen or food bank.
8. Secret Sister (Thursday 12/29/11):
I made a duct tape bag for a sister Girl Scout!
9. Women of Courage (Wednesday 12/28/11):
We named some courageous women and discussed why they were or are courageous:
Eleanor Roosevelt
Harriet Tubman
Indira Gandhi
Jane Goodall
Afghan School Girls
Florence Nightengale
and Mom!
10. Valuing Service
I made a wall hanging highlighting the part of the Girl Scout Law that means the most to me:
"Making the World a Better Place."
2. Values-Based Approach
3. Discover Your Values (Tuesday 12/27/11):
We read the section in the Junior Girl Scout handbook about values and did all of the activities in that section.
4. Values Vote (Wednesday 12/28/11):
Some of the values we brainstormed were:
positive attitude
well behaved
We discussed the values and why we thought they were important. The value that got the most votes from the group was honesty.
5. Values in the News
6. Debate It
7. Other People's Values (Thursday 12/29/11):
The holiday I learned about was Ramadan. The people who celebrate this holiday fast to remember the people who are needy or do not have enough food. Another custom is donating to the local soup kitchen or food bank.
8. Secret Sister (Thursday 12/29/11):
I made a duct tape bag for a sister Girl Scout!
9. Women of Courage (Wednesday 12/28/11):
We named some courageous women and discussed why they were or are courageous:
Eleanor Roosevelt
Harriet Tubman
Indira Gandhi
Jane Goodall
Afghan School Girls
Florence Nightengale
and Mom!
10. Valuing Service
Monday, December 26, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Winter Solstice Celebration
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Art in 3-D Badge
1. In the Fold (Tues. 8/9/11):
The Paper Crane - Even though it was hard, I did it!
2. Mold It (Tues. 8/9/11):

3. Past Masters
4. Negatives are Positives
6. All Around the Town

I made a mobile of pictures that people would enjoy such as a rainbow, a bird, a smilie face, and other fun pictures!
The Paper Crane - Even though it was hard, I did it!
2. Mold It (Tues. 8/9/11):
3. Past Masters
4. Negatives are Positives
5. Carve It (Saturday 11/19/11):
I worked on carving a unicorn on a piece of basswood - it was hard but fun.
I worked on carving a unicorn on a piece of basswood - it was hard but fun.
6. All Around the Town
7. Art That's Me (Wed. 8/10/11):
8. Art as Therapy
9. It's Mobile (Wed. 11/2/11):
I made a mobile of pictures that people would enjoy such as a rainbow, a bird, a smilie face, and other fun pictures!
10. Wire It (Wed. 12/14/11):
I made a flower out of three different colors of wire. I liked working with the wire - it was fun.
I made a flower out of three different colors of wire. I liked working with the wire - it was fun.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Money Sense Badge
1. Troop Budget
2. Best Investments (Saturday 12/10/11):
We learned about Savings accounts, Certificates of Deposit, and Stocks today at the TD Bank presentation.
3. Invest Together (Friday 12/9/11-3/9/11):
We are playing the Virtual Stock Market game through the TD Bank Wow Zone!
4. Cash or Credit (Friday 12/16/11):
We talked about how credit cards work and current interest rates. We also talked about how college students are offered credit cards but should not take them because they have no income to pay the money back. We figured out that it would take many years to pay off the bicycle, so it is better to save and pay in cash.
5. Ups and Downs of the Market
6. Careers in Finance (Saturday 12/10/11):
We learned about different careers in finance and the training you need at the TD Bank presentation.
7. Shop Smart
8. Reality Check (Friday 12/16/11):
We worked on filling out the budget worksheet of living expenses and figured out that I would need a job that paid me lot of money to pay these bills.
9. Money Doesn't Always Matter (Friday 12/16/11):
We talked about good things that money can't buy such as taking walks in our neighborhood, free concerts in the park, and speiding time with our family. We then took a walk in our neighborhood and spent time with family.
2. Best Investments (Saturday 12/10/11):
We learned about Savings accounts, Certificates of Deposit, and Stocks today at the TD Bank presentation.
3. Invest Together (Friday 12/9/11-3/9/11):
We are playing the Virtual Stock Market game through the TD Bank Wow Zone!
4. Cash or Credit (Friday 12/16/11):
We talked about how credit cards work and current interest rates. We also talked about how college students are offered credit cards but should not take them because they have no income to pay the money back. We figured out that it would take many years to pay off the bicycle, so it is better to save and pay in cash.
5. Ups and Downs of the Market
6. Careers in Finance (Saturday 12/10/11):
We learned about different careers in finance and the training you need at the TD Bank presentation.
7. Shop Smart
8. Reality Check (Friday 12/16/11):
We worked on filling out the budget worksheet of living expenses and figured out that I would need a job that paid me lot of money to pay these bills.
9. Money Doesn't Always Matter (Friday 12/16/11):
We talked about good things that money can't buy such as taking walks in our neighborhood, free concerts in the park, and speiding time with our family. We then took a walk in our neighborhood and spent time with family.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Gingerbread Wonderland
Sunday, November 6, 2011
High Tech Hide and Seek!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Low Ropes Course
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Sewing 1 Class for GS Juniors
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Your Outdoor Surroundings Badge
1. What Would I Need If
2. Pack It Up
3. What Does Minimal Impact Mean? (Sun. 10/16/11):
Minimal impact is acting to live in harmony with the environment by leaving a place in the same shape or better than we found it.
On our camping trip, we can practice minimal impact skills by not littering, picking up trash that you just found at the campsite or on a hike for example. When in nature, don't pick wildflowers, move rocks, or disturb nature in any way because you may be interfering with a creature's house or food.
4. To Protect the Environment (Sun. 10/16/11):
We can use resources wisely and protect the environment at camp by conserving water. We can take short showers and turn off the water in between dishwashing. We can also reuse and recycle items during the campout whenever possible, like reusing a plastic bag that carried supplies as a trash bag later. We will also not burn trash as that is harmful for the environment.
5. An Outdoor Hobby (Sat. 10/29/11):
Today we went Geocaching - in the rain! We put on our raingear and set off to find some treasures! We left little army guys in the caches that we took prizes from.
6. Classifying Outdoor Objects: The Artist and The Scientist (Sat. 10/29/11):
We took samples of different objects and spent some time describing their size and shape, color and texture, and direction/in relation to. It was fun.
7. An Outdoor Career
8. What Do You See? (Sat. 10/29/11):
We played this game with the group. It was fun because we collected the items and hid them overnight without anyone seeing them. We took turns describing them and the others drew their interpretation of the description. We revealed the item and compared it with the drawings- it was fun. One object was an interesting looking acorn/nut that we dissected.
9. Take a Nature Hike! (Fri. 10/28/11):
It was cloudy tonight, but after the campfire we took our flashlights and went on a night hike! It was a fun adventure!
10. Outdoor Fun and Games
2. Pack It Up
3. What Does Minimal Impact Mean? (Sun. 10/16/11):
Minimal impact is acting to live in harmony with the environment by leaving a place in the same shape or better than we found it.
On our camping trip, we can practice minimal impact skills by not littering, picking up trash that you just found at the campsite or on a hike for example. When in nature, don't pick wildflowers, move rocks, or disturb nature in any way because you may be interfering with a creature's house or food.
4. To Protect the Environment (Sun. 10/16/11):
We can use resources wisely and protect the environment at camp by conserving water. We can take short showers and turn off the water in between dishwashing. We can also reuse and recycle items during the campout whenever possible, like reusing a plastic bag that carried supplies as a trash bag later. We will also not burn trash as that is harmful for the environment.
5. An Outdoor Hobby (Sat. 10/29/11):
Today we went Geocaching - in the rain! We put on our raingear and set off to find some treasures! We left little army guys in the caches that we took prizes from.
6. Classifying Outdoor Objects: The Artist and The Scientist (Sat. 10/29/11):
We took samples of different objects and spent some time describing their size and shape, color and texture, and direction/in relation to. It was fun.
7. An Outdoor Career
8. What Do You See? (Sat. 10/29/11):
We played this game with the group. It was fun because we collected the items and hid them overnight without anyone seeing them. We took turns describing them and the others drew their interpretation of the description. We revealed the item and compared it with the drawings- it was fun. One object was an interesting looking acorn/nut that we dissected.
9. Take a Nature Hike! (Fri. 10/28/11):
It was cloudy tonight, but after the campfire we took our flashlights and went on a night hike! It was a fun adventure!
10. Outdoor Fun and Games
Outdoor Cook Badge
1. Bon Appetit! (Sat. 10/29/11):
I helped plan, prepare, and serve an outdoor meal, including shopping for ingredients, packing, and cleaninig up.
2. Bean There, Done That
3. Cook It (Sat. 10/29 and Sun. 10/30/11):
I cooked breakfast eggs on the butane stove and learned how to control the height of the flame. The eggs cooked quickly! The butane stove is lightweight and portable.
I also cooked with propane - it is quite different because the flames are farther away.
4. Don't Let the Fire Go Out (Fri. 10/29/11):
I helped start and maintain the campfire! We boiled water for tea in a camp tea kettle, made popcorn in a pot, and of course made s'mores! It was exciting to see the water boil and the popcorn burst the lid off of the pot!
5. Cooking on a Camp Stove (Sat. 10/29/11):
Today I cooked on the camp stove. It was challenging because it was raining but we had it set up under the shelter so it worked okay. The camp stove is convenient but smelly.
6. Keep it Clean (Fri. 10/29/11):
After we were through with the campfire, I learned how to put out the fire and remove the ashes. Good thing we brought the shovel!
7. No Cooking Tonight (Sun. 10/30/11):
Today we had an emergency - power outtage - and planned a meal that didn't require cooking or refrigeration! We had peanut butter sandwiches, granola bars, dried fruit and nuts, and water.
8. Mix It Up
9. All Dried Up
10. Test the Waters
I helped plan, prepare, and serve an outdoor meal, including shopping for ingredients, packing, and cleaninig up.
2. Bean There, Done That
3. Cook It (Sat. 10/29 and Sun. 10/30/11):
I cooked breakfast eggs on the butane stove and learned how to control the height of the flame. The eggs cooked quickly! The butane stove is lightweight and portable.
I also cooked with propane - it is quite different because the flames are farther away.
4. Don't Let the Fire Go Out (Fri. 10/29/11):
I helped start and maintain the campfire! We boiled water for tea in a camp tea kettle, made popcorn in a pot, and of course made s'mores! It was exciting to see the water boil and the popcorn burst the lid off of the pot!
5. Cooking on a Camp Stove (Sat. 10/29/11):
Today I cooked on the camp stove. It was challenging because it was raining but we had it set up under the shelter so it worked okay. The camp stove is convenient but smelly.
6. Keep it Clean (Fri. 10/29/11):
After we were through with the campfire, I learned how to put out the fire and remove the ashes. Good thing we brought the shovel!
7. No Cooking Tonight (Sun. 10/30/11):
Today we had an emergency - power outtage - and planned a meal that didn't require cooking or refrigeration! We had peanut butter sandwiches, granola bars, dried fruit and nuts, and water.
8. Mix It Up
9. All Dried Up
10. Test the Waters
Camp Together Badge
1. Make a Plan (Sun. 10/16/11):
money for tolls
first aid kit
bug spray and itch cream
bathroom stuff
badge book and handbook
smores sticks
emergency money
sleeping bags
extension cords
books on camping
mess kit
paper (for lighting fires)
a little bit of wood
fire starters (just in case)
camp stove
lawn chairs
folding table
fire grate
cooking stuff and cooking utensils
eco-friendly cleaners
paper products (as few as possible)
trash bags
rain essentials
portable snacks
plastic cup
mesh bag
boots or sneakers
notebook and pencil
2. Safety First (Fri. 10/28/11):
We learned to recognize and discussed potential hazards at the campsite such as poisonous plants, insects, animals, and unstable footing areas.
We established a truddy and group boundaries, and an emergency signal and meeting place if lost.
We reviewed the fire and evacuation plans for the campsite and practiced what to do in the event of an emergency.
3. Walk Softly
4. Dress Right (Sun. 10/16/11):
long and short socks
long pants
t-shirts and long sleeved shirts
sewing kit
duct tape
bug repellent
itch cream
hiking boots
5. Fueling and Cleaning Up
6. Challenge Yourself
7. Pitching In (Sun. 10/16/11):
Possible schedule:
First day
get there and check in at the campsite
decide where to sleep
unload car and set-up
start campfire soon after arriving
walk around camp to see whats around
cook dinner
clean up from dinner
S'mores/sing songs/stories etc.
extinguish campfire
get ready for bed
Second day
cook and eat breakfast
cook lunch
clean up
planned outdoor nature activites
free time at camp
start campfire
make dinner
S'mores/songs/stories etc.
get ready for bed
Third day
wake up
cook and eat breakfast
free time at camp
pack up everything
pack car
travel home
Some chores for the kaper chart:
starting the campfire
cleaning up your own mess
straighten your own sleeping bag
keep your area neat and clean
8. Natural World (Sun. 10/30/11):
The weather improved today so we took our nature hike to the creek this morning.
9. The Outdoors at Night (Fri. 10/28/11):
We sang songs and told stories around the campfire tonight! It was too cloudy for stargazing.
10. Learning from Experience
money for tolls
first aid kit
bug spray and itch cream
bathroom stuff
badge book and handbook
smores sticks
emergency money
sleeping bags
extension cords
books on camping
mess kit
paper (for lighting fires)
a little bit of wood
fire starters (just in case)
camp stove
lawn chairs
folding table
fire grate
cooking stuff and cooking utensils
eco-friendly cleaners
paper products (as few as possible)
trash bags
rain essentials
portable snacks
plastic cup
mesh bag
boots or sneakers
notebook and pencil
2. Safety First (Fri. 10/28/11):
We learned to recognize and discussed potential hazards at the campsite such as poisonous plants, insects, animals, and unstable footing areas.
We established a truddy and group boundaries, and an emergency signal and meeting place if lost.
We reviewed the fire and evacuation plans for the campsite and practiced what to do in the event of an emergency.
3. Walk Softly
4. Dress Right (Sun. 10/16/11):
long and short socks
long pants
t-shirts and long sleeved shirts
sewing kit
duct tape
bug repellent
itch cream
hiking boots
5. Fueling and Cleaning Up
6. Challenge Yourself
7. Pitching In (Sun. 10/16/11):
Possible schedule:
First day
get there and check in at the campsite
decide where to sleep
unload car and set-up
start campfire soon after arriving
walk around camp to see whats around
cook dinner
clean up from dinner
S'mores/sing songs/stories etc.
extinguish campfire
get ready for bed
Second day
cook and eat breakfast
cook lunch
clean up
planned outdoor nature activites
free time at camp
start campfire
make dinner
S'mores/songs/stories etc.
get ready for bed
Third day
wake up
cook and eat breakfast
free time at camp
pack up everything
pack car
travel home
Some chores for the kaper chart:
starting the campfire
cleaning up your own mess
straighten your own sleeping bag
keep your area neat and clean
8. Natural World (Sun. 10/30/11):
The weather improved today so we took our nature hike to the creek this morning.
9. The Outdoors at Night (Fri. 10/28/11):
We sang songs and told stories around the campfire tonight! It was too cloudy for stargazing.
10. Learning from Experience
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Twilight Campfire
Today we went to the Twilight Campfire program. It was fun! We had a large campfire and some charcoal grills where we roasted marshmallows for S'Mores! We sang songs like "Forty Years on an Iceberg," "The Littlest Worm," "Bazooka Zooka Bubblegum," "The Moose Song," and "Boom Chicka Boom." My new friend and I led the group in singing "Baby Bumble Bee," and we all ended the campfire by singing "Taps."
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Apple Picking and Pumpkin Patch!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Investiture and Rededication Ceremony
Today we had our first meeting of the new group to kick-off the 2011-2012 year in Girl Scouting. It was awesome! We had an Investiture and Rededication Ceremony and everyone got a chance to participate by reading and doing different things. Each of us received our rededication patches and pins for the girls moving up. We also had a seasonal craft which was a Halloween window hanging made of foam parts.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Drawing and Painting Badge
1. Media Savvy
2. Primary - Secondary (Sat. 8/13/11):
2. Primary - Secondary (Sat. 8/13/11):
6. Shades of Color (Sat. 8/13/11):
7. It's How You Look at It
8. On the Wall
9. On Your Own (Sat. 8/13/11):
8. On the Wall
9. On Your Own (Sat. 8/13/11):
10. Women Who Paint (Sat. 8/13/11): Frida Kalho
How did she get involved in the arts?
She was in an accident and had to stay in bed. She painted a portrait herself to keep from being bored.
How has she achieved success?
She was never successful in her time, but after she died, her paintings became known all around the world.
How did she get involved in the arts?
She was in an accident and had to stay in bed. She painted a portrait herself to keep from being bored.
How has she achieved success?
She was never successful in her time, but after she died, her paintings became known all around the world.
Monday, July 18, 2011
The Sign of the Star

1. Try something new. Earn a badge in a topic that you know nothing about or that teaches you a brand new skill.
2. Boost your self-esteem (how you feel about yourself). Do at least four activities from the following badges: A Healthier You (12/3/10)
3. Show off your talents. Display or demonstrate one of your talents to your troop, group, or others.
4. Complete two activities from the "It's Great to Be a Girl" chapter in this book.
5. Complete an activity from one of the following resources: GirlSports, Issues for Girl Scouts: Girls are Great for Junior Girl Scouts, or the "Just for Girls" section of the Girl Scouts fo the USA website www.girlscouts.org/girls. Or participate in a council event.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Bronze Award

1. Earn two badges that are related to the project you will do for your Bronze Award:
Ceramics and Clay
Visual Arts
Drawing and Painting
Art in 3-D
Prints and Graphics
2. Complete one of the Girl Scout Signs (2/26/11):
Sign of the Rainbow
3. Earn the Junior Aide Patch or the Junior Girl Scout Leadership Award (Tues. 4/12/11):
Junior Girl Scout Leadership Award
4. Do a Girl Scout Bronze Award project (April-July, 2011):
This project shows the leadership skills you have learned as a Junior Girl Scout, and your committment to your community and to yourself. To earn this award, you will do a project that shows that you understand and live by the Girl Scout Promise and the Girl Scout Law.
The project should:
Take approximately 15 hours to complete (including planning time)
Provide community service - inside or outside of Girl Scouting
Follow Safety Rules
**Log of Hours:
**Wednesday, 4/13/11 - Planning Session/Brainstorm/Decide - 1 hour
**Thursday, 4/14/11 - Get Information - Contact homeless shelter/discuss project/set dates and times/discuss materials needed and amount - 1 hour
**Thursday, 4/14/11 - Plan - Create Flyer for arts and crafts materials collection - 30 min.
**Thursday, 4/14/11 - Get Information - Present project and materials collection at local service unit meeting - 5 min.
**Tuesday, 4/19/11 - Get Information - Tour of Facilities and Informational Session at the homeless shelter - 1 hour
**Tuesday, 5/10/11 - Get Information - Present project and materials collection at local service unit meeting - 1 hour
**Saturday, 6/18/11 - Plan - Plan art workshop projects and shop for materials - 1 hour
**Sunday, 6/19/11 - Plan - Plan art workshop projects and shop for materials - 30 minutes
**Thursday, 6/23/11 - Put Your Ideas into Action - Art Workshop for homeless children - including organizing materials, set-up, workshop teaching, clen-up - 3 hours
Projects inspired by Visual Arts badge and Art in 3-D badge activities; themes centered around Independence Day, Statue of Liberty, "Spirit of '76," and nature themes.
**Thursday, 6/30/11 - Put Your Ideas into Action - Art Workshop for homeless children - including organizing materials, set-up, workshop teaching, clean-up - 3 hours
Projects inspired by Drawing and Painting badge and Visual Arts badge activities.
**Thursday, 7/7/11 - Put Your Ideas into Action - Art Workshop for homeless children - including organizing materials, set-up, workshop teaching, clean-up - 3 hours
Projects inspired by Ceramics and Clay badge activities
**Thursday, 7/14/11 - Put Your Ideas into Action - Art Workshop for homeless children - including organizing materials, set-up, workshop teaching, clean-up - 3 hours
Projects inspired by Visual Arts and Art in 3-D badge activities
Follow the Action Plan in the "Adventures in Girl Scouting" section of the handbook
My Own Action Plan for Bronze Award:
1. Brainstorm Ideas: Wednesday, 4/13/11
2. Decide: Wednesday, 4/13/11
3. Get Information: Thursday, 4/14/11; Tuesday, 4/19/11
4. Plan: Thursday, 4/14/11
5. Put Your Ideas in Action: Thursday, 6/23/11; Thursday, 6/30/11; Thursday, 7/7/11; Thursday, 7/14/11
6. Evaluate What Was Done: Thursday, 7/14/11
What did I like about the project: I liked meeting all of the people and the kids who lived there.
What would you do differently: I would like to not have it so late at night because some of the kids got tired.
Think about if you would or would not do the project again and why: Yes I would do it again because doing art is a fun thing to do and you can meet new people. The kids looked forward to seeing us.
7. Share Your Success: Friday, 7/15/11-Sunday, 7/17/11
Thank you notes to all who donated materials and to the homeless shelter people.
Told local GSNNJ council about the project and received Bronze Award patch for back of vest.
Presentation of Bronze Award Project at local restaurant to celebrate the success!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Ceramics and Clay Badge
1. Make it with Clay (Sat. 3/26/11): I made a pinch pot and a figurine of "Paddle-to-the-Sea"!

2. Coil Up! (Sat. 3/26/11): I made a bowl using the coil method.

3. Handle with Care:
4. Time for Tiles (Sun. 4/17/11):
I made several different sized tiles with different designs that are stamped and carved.

5. Fuel and Fire (Sat. 4/9/11):
I took a virtual tour of ceramics studios at the NY/NJ Academy of Ceramic Art. The website was really cool. I took a lot of time going through the links and learning about different equipment used for ceramics, including the kiln, hand tools, and materials like glaze. I liked the section that showed student artwork, including a cool red teapot.
6. Grin and Glaze It!
7. Bas-Relief
8. Dream Decorator (Sun. 4/17/11): We went to Kohl's and saw examples of ceramics and pottery. I liked the seashell pattern because I thought it would go well in the guest room in my house. For the kitchen, I liked a plain white pattern. I also liked the flower pattern because I thought it would go well in my room. The flower pattern was also nice because it was hand painted.
9. Pass on the Knowledge
10. Folk Pottery
2. Coil Up! (Sat. 3/26/11): I made a bowl using the coil method.
3. Handle with Care:
4. Time for Tiles (Sun. 4/17/11):
I made several different sized tiles with different designs that are stamped and carved.
5. Fuel and Fire (Sat. 4/9/11):
I took a virtual tour of ceramics studios at the NY/NJ Academy of Ceramic Art. The website was really cool. I took a lot of time going through the links and learning about different equipment used for ceramics, including the kiln, hand tools, and materials like glaze. I liked the section that showed student artwork, including a cool red teapot.
6. Grin and Glaze It!
7. Bas-Relief
8. Dream Decorator (Sun. 4/17/11): We went to Kohl's and saw examples of ceramics and pottery. I liked the seashell pattern because I thought it would go well in the guest room in my house. For the kitchen, I liked a plain white pattern. I also liked the flower pattern because I thought it would go well in my room. The flower pattern was also nice because it was hand painted.
9. Pass on the Knowledge
10. Folk Pottery
Monday, April 4, 2011
First Aid Badge
1. Learn First Aid
2. Ouch! (Monday 4/4/11): We learned and practiced first aid for cuts, sprains, and fractures from a medical professional.
3. Oooh (Monday 4/4/11): We learned and practiced first aid for nosebleeds and if a friend became faint.
4. Get Help (Monday 4/4/11): We learned how to get help in our community and did a role play on how to communicate with emergency personnel.
5. Until Help Arrives (Monday 4/4/11): We learned and practiced first aid for a person who has stopped breathing, breathing heavily, in shock, and choking.
6. Share the Messages (Monday 4/4/11): We created a four-page first aid and safety coloring and activity book that we donated to a younger girl troop in our service unit.
7. Helping Hands
8. Staying Safe (Monday 4/4/11): We made a list of items found in a first aid kit and some different items found in a camping first aid kit.
9. Survivor
10. First Aid Challenge
2. Ouch! (Monday 4/4/11): We learned and practiced first aid for cuts, sprains, and fractures from a medical professional.
3. Oooh (Monday 4/4/11): We learned and practiced first aid for nosebleeds and if a friend became faint.
4. Get Help (Monday 4/4/11): We learned how to get help in our community and did a role play on how to communicate with emergency personnel.
5. Until Help Arrives (Monday 4/4/11): We learned and practiced first aid for a person who has stopped breathing, breathing heavily, in shock, and choking.
6. Share the Messages (Monday 4/4/11): We created a four-page first aid and safety coloring and activity book that we donated to a younger girl troop in our service unit.
7. Helping Hands
8. Staying Safe (Monday 4/4/11): We made a list of items found in a first aid kit and some different items found in a camping first aid kit.
9. Survivor
10. First Aid Challenge
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Weather Watch Badge

2. Visit a Weather Station (Fri. 4/8/11): We did a virtual tour of the National Weather Service Forecast Office in Mt. Holly. It was cool to see the building and the equipment in it. They give a lot of information from such a small building.
3. Become a Cloud Watcher
4. Build a Weather Instrument
5. Weather Smarts (Fri. 4/8/11): I made a lightning storm emergency plan for my family that included emergency numbers, what to do in an emergency, and a list of important items.
6. Weather Trends (Fri. 4/8/11): El Nino is a warm current that appears around Christmastime. It usually disappears in March, but sometimes it can last for up to 18months! It usually occurs near the equator and can cause weak winds and heat waves of up to 100 degrees. Some people think that El Nino is caused by the Greenhouse Effect. If that's true, then we can help by walking or biking to destinations.
7. Weather Games
8. Help Others Be Weather-Prepared
9. Paper Spirals and Frontal Systems (Wed. 3/23/11): We made a paper spiral which moved a little bit when placed near a lamp!
10. Make Your Own Weather (Wed. 3/23/11):
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Girl Scout Week 2011

Happy Birthday Girl Scouts!
These were the activities that I did:
Sunday, March 6 - Celebrate Your Community: Wore uniform vest and attended religious services.
Monday, March 7 - Celebrate Your Creativity: I made a diorama and painted pictures.
Tuesday, March 8 - Celebrate Your Health: I exercised for 45 minutes by taking a walk in my town.
Wednesday, March 9 - Celebrate Your Family: I emailed my mom!
Friday, March 11 - Celebrate Your Sister Girl Scouts: I wore my uniform vest today.
Saturday, March 12 - Celebrate GSUSA's Birthday: We had a birthday party for Girl Scouts today! We had ice cream, played games, and sang songs.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Caring for Children Badge
**All activities for this badge were completed at the GSNNJ program.***
1. Safety First (Sat. 2/26/11):
2. The Danger Zone (Sat. 2/26/11):
3. Telling Tales
4. Box of Tricks (Sat. 2/26/11):
5. Basic Skills with Infants (Sat. 2/26/11):
6. What Can You Observe?
7. Planning Ahead
8. Hungry? Eat Right (Sat. 2/26/11):
9. The Toy Test
10. What, When? (Sat. 2/26/11):
1. Safety First (Sat. 2/26/11):
2. The Danger Zone (Sat. 2/26/11):
3. Telling Tales
4. Box of Tricks (Sat. 2/26/11):
5. Basic Skills with Infants (Sat. 2/26/11):
6. What Can You Observe?
7. Planning Ahead
8. Hungry? Eat Right (Sat. 2/26/11):
9. The Toy Test
10. What, When? (Sat. 2/26/11):
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Junior Girl Scout Leaderhip Award

1. Link to Leadership (Sat. 2/27/11):
I read the groups and leadership sections in the handbook, and decided that I would like to develop the leadership qualities of being a group leader and teacher. I want to be in charge of groups and work with others.
2. Succeed at Service (April, 2011):
I will be doing community service with the Girl Scouts through organizing and teaching stations at Brownie Try-It programs sponsored by our council.
Sunday, April 3 - 6 hours
3. Position Yourself (March-April, 2011):
I will be a teacher's assistant at a local preschool during March.
Friday, March 11 - 3 hours
Friday, March 18 - 3 hours
Friday, March 25 - 3 hours
I will be a teacher's assistant at a Brownie Try-It program sponsored by our local council.
Sunday, April 10 - 6 hours
4. Mentor (Teach) Others (Tues. 4/12/11):
Tuesday, April 12
Members of my troop and our families met for dinner and my presentation on the Junior Girl Scout Leadership Award. The girls were excited to hear about my leadership projects and started to get ideas for their own projects. They also asked me about my badges.
Sign of the Rainbow

1. Complete one of the following badges to learn more about the people in the world (Wed. 10/13/10):
2. Participate in a council event where you get to meet new girls. Be sure to try to make some new friends (Sat. 2/19/11):
3. Do an activity from the " Family and Friends" chapter of this book (Tues. 2/22/11):
Family Fun Jar - I decorated the container with photos of our family doing fun activities and then made the pieces of paper with different activity ideas on them and put them inside. This was a fun project!
4. Do an activity in which you help others get something done. By helping out where you are needed, you show respect for others.
Shopping for my great-grandmother (Tues. 2/22/11):
I spent 4 hours today shopping for my great-grandmother. She has a hard time walking and gets tired easily, so we went looking for what she needed.
Do an activity in which you help others learn a new skill (Sat. 2/26/11):
I visited my great-grandmother and taught her to finger knit. She did pretty well! My cousin learned also, and she taught me another braiding project that could be used for making bracelets.
5. Do two activities from one of the following badges (Mon. 10/18/10):
Saturday, February 19, 2011
World Thinking Day 2011

World Thinking Day is February 22 - a day to honor our sister Girl Guides and Girl Scouts in other countries. This year's theme is "girls worldwide say 'Empowering girls will change our world.'"
The five countries of focus for this year's World Thinking Day are Bolivia, Cyprus, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nepal, and Yemen.
Activities reinforce the goals of Girl Scouting: discovering oneself and one's values, connecting through teamwork with other members and reaching out into the local and global communities, and taking action to improve the world.
We attended the GSNNJ World Thinking Day event and participated in these activities:
Welcome and Introduction
Global Games
Global Goodies
Flag Fun
Signing Fingers
We also participated in a food donation service project that will benefit the local community!!!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Music Fan Badge
1. Express Yourself (Sun. 2/27/11):
My award is the Kakakakaka Sound Award. The catagories are Best Modern Sounds, Best Classical Sounds, Best Classic Rock Sounds, Best Go-To-Sleep Sounds, and Best Rock Sounds. The winners are Fleetwood Mac for Best Modern Sounds, Yo-Yo Ma for Best Classical Sounds, Bruce Springsteen for Best Classic Rock Sounds, Sylvia Harttman for Best Go-To-Sleep Sounds, and Jonas Brothers for Best Rock Sounds.
2. Listening to Something New (Sun. 2/20/11):
I went to a concert tonight and heard two new pieces of music I never heard before:
Apostolo Glorioso by Guillaume Dufay (1397-1474)
Call to Remembrance by Richard Farrant (1530-1580)
3. Sharing Music (Sat. 2/12/11):
Today I had a concert with my choir. It was fun! The concert was part of a music festival weekend. There were hundreds of people in the audience!
4. Found Music (Sun. 2/27/11):
My award is the Kakakakaka Sound Award. The catagories are Best Modern Sounds, Best Classical Sounds, Best Classic Rock Sounds, Best Go-To-Sleep Sounds, and Best Rock Sounds. The winners are Fleetwood Mac for Best Modern Sounds, Yo-Yo Ma for Best Classical Sounds, Bruce Springsteen for Best Classic Rock Sounds, Sylvia Harttman for Best Go-To-Sleep Sounds, and Jonas Brothers for Best Rock Sounds.
2. Listening to Something New (Sun. 2/20/11):
I went to a concert tonight and heard two new pieces of music I never heard before:
Apostolo Glorioso by Guillaume Dufay (1397-1474)
Call to Remembrance by Richard Farrant (1530-1580)
3. Sharing Music (Sat. 2/12/11):
Today I had a concert with my choir. It was fun! The concert was part of a music festival weekend. There were hundreds of people in the audience!
4. Found Music (Sun. 2/27/11):
I invented the Saxolaposhrinkamajig! It is an instrument that is kind of like a saxophone but a lot cooler. It is made out of a silk tie and plastic pipes. The sound is made by singing a tune through it.
5. What's a Song Made Out Of?
6. Folk Songs from Afar:
7. Careers in Music:
8. Music: Insight to History (Sun. 2/20/11):
Tonight I went to a concert featuring a professional vocal group. They sang "Miserere" which means "Have Mercy." This piece is by Gregorio Allegri (1582-1652) and was sung in Latin. Written probably during the 1630s, this piece is based on Psalm 51 for use in the Sistine Chapel during Holy Week, the week leading up to Easter. It could be sung today, mostly during the services in Lent. I especially liked the part when a soprano went up to a high C!
Another song in the concert was "Babylone" by Darius Milhaud (1892-1974). His piece described the Fall of Babylon. Some of the lyrics described the event: "She is falling, great Babylon! If God does not build the house or guard the city, it is in vain that it was built; it is in vain that they labored to build it, and that they labored to labor, those who built it." This music is probably not sung today, except in a concert like this one.
9. Nature's Call (Sun. 2/13/11):
We took a hike today and listened to nature sounds such as birds chirping, the wind in the trees, the trees creeking, and the sound of water rushing down the waterfall.
10. Dance TIme:
5. What's a Song Made Out Of?
6. Folk Songs from Afar:
7. Careers in Music:
8. Music: Insight to History (Sun. 2/20/11):
Tonight I went to a concert featuring a professional vocal group. They sang "Miserere" which means "Have Mercy." This piece is by Gregorio Allegri (1582-1652) and was sung in Latin. Written probably during the 1630s, this piece is based on Psalm 51 for use in the Sistine Chapel during Holy Week, the week leading up to Easter. It could be sung today, mostly during the services in Lent. I especially liked the part when a soprano went up to a high C!
Another song in the concert was "Babylone" by Darius Milhaud (1892-1974). His piece described the Fall of Babylon. Some of the lyrics described the event: "She is falling, great Babylon! If God does not build the house or guard the city, it is in vain that it was built; it is in vain that they labored to build it, and that they labored to labor, those who built it." This music is probably not sung today, except in a concert like this one.
9. Nature's Call (Sun. 2/13/11):
We took a hike today and listened to nature sounds such as birds chirping, the wind in the trees, the trees creeking, and the sound of water rushing down the waterfall.
10. Dance TIme:
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Jeweler Badge
1. Jewelry from Everyday Objects:
2. Macrame:
3. Jewelry from Other Lands (Sun. 1/9/11 at the GSNNJ program):
At the Girl Scout program, we learned about jewelry from Ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece, China, and Japan. It was interesting!
4. Jewelers' Skills (Sun. 1/9/11 at the GSNNJ program):
We talked about the skill of hammering after gold is heated with fire. It then can be shaped. We also talked about the jewelry making technique of forming beaded links, which is how beads can be joined to make a strong piece of jewelry. We were taught this technique and practiced it.
5. Take a Tour:
6. Something Natural (Sun. 1/9/11):
I made a pin made of a cardboard backing with pine cones and shells along with some plastic beads.
7. Triple Up (Sun. 1/9/11 at the GSNNJ program):
We made a necklace and a matching bracelet from two different kinds of wire, beads, and spacers.
8. Store Your Gems:
9. True Jemstones (Sun. 1/9/11 at the GSNNJ program):
We learned about different stones and minerals that are used for preventing sickness and bad luck, as well as for relaxation. They were worn for religious reasons or purely for ornamentation which is a symbol of wealth.
10. Get the Message (Sun. 1/9/11):
My friend and I made friendship bracelets and exchanged them this morning. It was fun.
2. Macrame:
3. Jewelry from Other Lands (Sun. 1/9/11 at the GSNNJ program):
At the Girl Scout program, we learned about jewelry from Ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece, China, and Japan. It was interesting!
4. Jewelers' Skills (Sun. 1/9/11 at the GSNNJ program):
We talked about the skill of hammering after gold is heated with fire. It then can be shaped. We also talked about the jewelry making technique of forming beaded links, which is how beads can be joined to make a strong piece of jewelry. We were taught this technique and practiced it.
5. Take a Tour:
6. Something Natural (Sun. 1/9/11):
I made a pin made of a cardboard backing with pine cones and shells along with some plastic beads.
7. Triple Up (Sun. 1/9/11 at the GSNNJ program):
We made a necklace and a matching bracelet from two different kinds of wire, beads, and spacers.
8. Store Your Gems:
9. True Jemstones (Sun. 1/9/11 at the GSNNJ program):
We learned about different stones and minerals that are used for preventing sickness and bad luck, as well as for relaxation. They were worn for religious reasons or purely for ornamentation which is a symbol of wealth.
10. Get the Message (Sun. 1/9/11):
My friend and I made friendship bracelets and exchanged them this morning. It was fun.
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